Rio Narratives Tutorial (English)

This tutorial is a draft by @EthanDenson and @buccalon

Registration for Rio Narratives is currently restricted to beta testers only.

If you want to join this group, send a request to

Create a narrative

1. Login with your username and password:

2. Click on the “Add Narrative” button to create a new project.

This will take you to a page in which you can set the basic information of your new narrative:
Add Narrative

3. Add title, description, and image

To add a Title, click within the Title textbox and replace “Untitled project” with your chosen title:

To add a Description, click within the Description textbox.
You can format your text and add hyperlinks using the toolbar at the top:

If you have an Image you wish to feature in your narrative, you can add it under the image section using the “Choose File” button. This will open a local file browser, so to add a file, you must first have it downloaded and saved locally on your computer. Navigate through the file selector and pick whatever image file you would like. You can then provide relevant caption and link for further information:

4. Select tags and category

Tags and categories are good ways to communicate your narrative’s approach at a glance, and also helps to sort projects and make them easier to find. You can select Multiple Tags from the available list in the Tags drop-down menu. If you want to add a new tag, simply type it and press enter to save it. Next you can select One Category from the available list in the Category drop-down menu.

5. Correct information at any time

To change information about your narrative, click on its title while on the My Narratives page:

Learn the editor

6. Open the editor

To open up the editor, click on the Editor button button on the My Narratives page. This will send you a different page, where you can edit sequences of cards in a similar fashion to slideshow applications.

7. Add a card

To add a new Card to your narrative click the image button in the top left corner of the webpage. This will add a new card below the currently selected card. You can change the size of the card by selecting from the 3 options in the drop down box below the word Size.

8. Format your text

8.1 How to add a link
8.2 How to add footnotes
8.3 X^2 is for superscript footnotes

9. Add an image

To add an image, locate the Image section under the card information panel to the left of the map window.

10. Change map year

To change the year of the map you can either:
10.1 Type the desired year in the box next to the word Year at the top of the map and press enter.
10.2 Click and drag the small white circle along the line in the toolbar near the top of the webpage until you reach your desired year. Dragging all the way to the right side will be the year 2020, and the oldest date possible at the left end of the line is 1503.

11. Change map position

Using the cursor, click and hold the left mouse button while over the map.
11.1 3D and 2D, rotation, position lock. (tilt, zoom, etc)
Map buttons

12. Select a georeferenced map

First, select a year on the map timeline, then open the layers tab by clicking on the image button, and then the image button. This will open a selection box where you can pick the available basemaps for the selected year. After selecting the map, you can change its opacity using the “Overlay Opacity” slider.

13. Toggle layers


14. Highlight map features

You can search and highlight multiple map features by clicking on the image button and search the name of a certain element of the map (building, street, square, neibourhoood, etc).

15. Add annotations

Publish and share

16. Preview your work

At any time you can preview your narrative by clicking the image button on the My Narratives page or inside the editor. This will open a new page with your narrative in presentation mode. If you have two monitors, we recommend opening the editor and the preview on separate screens, so you can follow the result of your changes as they happen.

17. Publish in the gallery

By default, all narratives have a publicly available address that you can share with your audience. Once you are done with your narrative, you can apply for publishing it on peer-reviewed imagineRio’s main gallery, where any user can see your project.

To apply for publishing, enter the narrative settings by clicking on the title of your narrative. Click the checkbox that says “I want to publish on the main gallery”, and save your changes by clicking on the “Save” button at the bottom of the page. You’ll be notified as your narrative is reviewed and approved.

18. Share options

You can share your published narrative using the social media buttons.